Dr. Belchiolina Beatriz Fonseca Receives Novus International Latin America Teaching Award for Excellence in Poultry Science Education
Publicado: 01/11/2024 - 10:07
Última modificação: 01/11/2024 - 10:07

The Poultry Science Association (PSA) announces that Dr. Belchiolina Beatriz Fonseca, professor at the Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, is the recipient of the inaugural Novus International Latin America Teaching Award. This award honors outstanding teaching contributions at a Latin American university that advance the future welfare of the poultry industry.
Dr. Fonseca demonstrated an exceptional commitment to education and research in poultry production and health. She holds a Master’s degree in Veterinary Sciences and a Ph.D. in Applied Immunology and Parasitology. Her academic journey included a postdoctoral focus on biotechnology in human and animal health, along with specialized training on Campylobacter spp. and next-generation probiotics.
Currently, Dr. Fonseca teaches in the areas of poultry diseases and production at the Federal University of Uberlândia, contributing to several postgraduate programs, including Veterinary Sciences and Genetics and Biochemistry. She is also conducting research with the National Institute of Science and Technology in Theranostics, focusing on the host-pathogen relationship in poultry and developing sustainable alternatives to antimicrobials, such as probiotics.
Further indication of her excellence in teaching came during the Student Awards program at the Poultry Science Association Latin American Scientific Conference, when three of Dr. Fonseca’s students were honored with Certificates of Excellence for their outstanding scientific presentations during the Conference.
PSA and Novus International commend Dr. Fonseca’s remarkable contributions to advancing poultry science education and research. Her dedication to fostering future industry professionals and driving scientific progress embodies the spirit of the award and the vital role of education in shaping the future of poultry science.
For more information about this award, please visit https://www.poultryscience.org/about/awards.