Social Demand Program - SD / CAPES
This program aims at promoting the formation of high-level human resources by means of granting scholarships for stricto sensu courses (master´s and doctor´s). These scholarships are granted to institutions classified as public juridic persons of free-of-charge teaching, assessed by CAPES with grade 3.0 or higher. The scholarships are managed by institutions and post-graduation courses, which are responsible for the selection and follow-up of the scholarship recipients, according to orientations from CAPES.
Program for Post-Graduation Support - PPGS / FAPEMIG
This program aims at developing the formation and training of researchers in the specific areas of knowledge, allowing their permanence in post-graduation programs through the granting of master´s and doctor´s degree scholarships, as well as the research allowance, in the ICTs (Institutes of Sciences and Technology) hosted in Minas Gerais that offer stricto sensu post-graduation courses assessed by CAPES with a rank of 3.0 or higher.
Program for Post-Graduation Support - CNPQ:
CNPq offers scholarships for the formation of human resources in the fields of scientific and technological research, in universities, research institutes, technological centers and professional formation centers, both in Brazil and abroad.
Besides promoting the formation of human resources in several strategic fields for the national development, CNPq provides financial resources for the implementation of projects, programs and Research & Development (R&D) networks, either directly or in partnership with the federation states.
Target public: high-school and college students, in post-graduation level, interested in acting in scientific research, and specialists to act in Research & Development (R&D) in the companies and technological centers.
Scholarship modalities: CNPq offers several modalities of scholarships and research development to high-school, graduation and post-graduation students, as well as newly-graduated doctors and experienced researchers of Brazil and abroad. The scholarships are granted directly by CNPq or by teaching and research institutions to which CNPq addresses a number of scholarship quotas.