Published: 19/09/2019 - 11:00
Last modification: 15/04/2021 - 09:46
CAPES/PDNP (CAPES Post-Doctoral National Program) is an institutional scholarship program that supports post-doctoral internships in academic Stricto Sensu Postgraduation Programs (PGP) recommended by CAPES. Its goals are: a) promote high-level studies; b) back up the national research groups; c) renew the PGP staff in the higher education and research institutions; d) promote the insertion of Brazilian and foreign researchers in post-doctoral internships, boosting their integration with research projects developed by the country´s PGP.
The CAPES/PDNP scholarship comprises two specific financial supports: the monthly scholarship and the payment of annual funding resource. This amount is directed to subsidizing the recipient´s research activities such as the participation in events like congresses, meetings and symposiums. The transfer of the supporting resources and the guildelines for its utilization are according to the fostering program to which the PGP is bound. In the case of GBPGP (Genetics and Biochemistry Post-Graduation Program), it is PROAP.
The candidates interested:
I – must hold the title of doctor, when in the scholarship implementation, obtained in courses assessed by CAPES and recognized by CNE/MEC. The proof of the title can be understood as a copy of the doctoral diploma or the homologation certificate of the doctoral course. In the case of a diploma obtained in a foreign institution, the diploma must be analyzed by the Genetics and Biochemistry Post-graduation Program (GBPGP);
II – must deliver an updated CV on the Lattes platform of CNPq or, if a foreigner, a curriculum with background of patent registration and/or publication of impacting scientific and technological works;
III – must not be retired or be in a similar situation;
IV – can apply for one of the following options: a) be Brazilian or a foreigner resident in Brazil carrying a temporary visa, with no employment bonds; b) be a foreigner, resident abroad, with no employment bond; c) be a professor or researcher in the country with employment bond in higher teaching institutions or public research institutions. § 1st The foreign candidate residing abroad must prove residential address abroad upon submitting application forms. § 2nd Substitute professors may be approved in the modality “a” of item IV, with no interference to their teaching activities, after an analysis and authorization from the Post-Graduation Program. § 3rd The candidates approved in the modality “c” of the item IV must hand in a proof of leave from the source institution, for a period that is compatible with the scholarship duration. § 4th The candidates approved in the modality “c” of the item IV may not carry out the post-doctoral internship in the same institution with which they hold employment bonds.
I – deliver an Annual Activities Report for the approval of the Post-graduation Program and hand in the final report within up to 60 (sixty) days after the end of the scholarship;
II – dedicate to the activities of the project;
III – act as a co-advisor of students of Scientific Initiation or Post-graduation in the Master´s degree level, depending on the availability of students in the research group to be inserted into;
IV – perform teaching activities in regular subjects of the Genetics and Biochemistry Post-graduation Program of the Biotechnology Institute (minimum of 15 hours/lesson per semester);
III – refund CAPES with the resources obtained irregularly, when non-observance to the PDNP norms is evidenced, except if motivated by fortuity, force majeure, circumstance beyond his/her will or serious disease properly proven and based.
The request for inclusion in the Post-Doctoral Program of the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU-PGP) must be issued by a professor of UFU´s Post-graduation Program (PGP), named post-doctoral interniship supervisor, for the approval of the board from the referred PGP.
The post-doctoral internship proposal must contain the following documents:
I – reaearch project with a description of the activities plan;
II – description of the conduction period;
III – description of necessities of materials, use of facilities, laboratories or other by-products or materials to be provided by UFU;
IV – declaration of agreement from the dean of the academic unit where the internship is to happen regarding the necessities described in the item III;
V – requirement of inclusion in UFU´s PGP;
VI – updated copy of the Lattes CV;
VII – full readable front-and-back copy of the doctoral diploma;
VIII – Declaration of Commitment (according to the model) and Declaration of Recognition of Intelectual Property (according to the model);
IX – statement from the teaching/research institution or company where the candidate works, whenever there is such a bond, agreeing with the leave or need for dedication to the ativities of the post-doctoral internship; and
X – other needed documents, according to the characteristics and necessities of each proposal.
Upon approval from the PGP board, both the enrollment and the registration will follow the procedures both of the Dean´s Office of Research and Post-graduation and of the Administration Direction and Academic Control.
The reference legislation used was the Portaria CAPES-86/2013 and the Resolução CONPEP-2015/18.