Postgraduate Program Information

by Portal PPGGB
Published: 19/09/2019 - 11:00
Last modification: 12/11/2024 - 08:16


In 1992, in the Genetics and Biochemistry Department at the time, Dr.Warwick Estevam Kerr began a discussion on the creation of UFU´s Genetics and Biochemistry Post-graduation. The core of these discussions stemmed from three basic questions: which university do we desire? Which research and which post-graduation courses do we wish to implement?

The answer to these questions took into consideration that by adopting the vision of Genetics and Biochemistry to approach the issues of research and post-graduation, one ought to consider the double roles that these fields play in our society: the political and the scientific role.

The scientific line seeks to know, understand, explain and/or indicate ways within the several phenomena that make up the manifestations and interactions of life, revealing the genesis, the dynamics and pointing to new possibilities of life organization. Thus, it has allowed for new and better possibilities of agricultural production with the techniques ranging from classic improvement until transgenesis, new ways to “heal”, since the basic researches until the stem cells and, still, technological advances in the fields of cybernetics and bioinformatics.

The political line is not only about modifying the concrete reality but, from its discoveries, innovations and propositions, it is also about offering a constant reformulation of the social values and paradigms, altering the perception and awareness that the society has of itself, thus making room for necessary changes.

In this scenario, the idea of a Genetics and Biochemistry Post-graduation (GBPGP) left the theory field and on September 12, 1994, initiated its activities with the master´s degree auhorized by CAPES. 5 years after then, CAPES positively evaluated the Doctor´s degree.



The Genetics and Biochemistry Post-graduation Program of the Federal University of Uberlândia has the following goals:

1) Develop the teaching, research and extension of the areas of Genetics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology;

2) Promote technological innovations (patent development) in the areas of Genetics, Biochemistry and Biotechnology;

3) Diagnose regional, national and international problems and propose solutions based on scientific research;

4) Announce the researches conducted by means of presentations (posters, oral presentations ad lectures) in regional, national and/or international scientific meetings, as well as by means of publications on national and international journals of high impact factor;

5) Promote the exchange of knowledge with national and international researchers;

6) Collaborate with emerging research groups;

7) Grant the titles of Master and Doctor in Genetics and Biochemistry;

8) Contribute to the scientific development and the improvement of the teaching quality of Genetics and Biochemistry in the different levels (high school and college) in the region of Triângulo Mineiro and in Brazil;

9) Form professors, researchers and professionals in the areas of Genetics and Biochemistry, skilled for the implantation of new research centers in Brazil and abroad;

10) Apply for financial resources in the research development organs;

11) Improve the teaching contents of the graduation courses of the Federal University of Uberlândia, especially the courses of Biotechnology, Biological Sciences, Physical Education, Veterinary, Odontology, Physical Therapy, Nutrition, Biomedicine, Agronomy, Nursing, Medicine and others, based on the experience gathered in the development of research and/or scientific work performed by the professors and students (especially in the subject of teaching internship) that cast light on the graduation classroom routine;

12) Raise among graduation students the wish to continue their education in the Master´s degree and further Doctor´s degree, by participating in the several lines of research of the GBPGP and also in the events promoted by the Program.




Coordinator: Vivian Alonso Goulart


Higher unit:

Institute of Biotechnology

+55 34 3225-8438


Target public:



Doctor´s degree in Genetics and Biochemistry

Master´s degree in Genetics and Biochemistry


Doctor´s degree / Master´s degree



The selection process of the GBPGP is ruled by a civil service examination announcement, by Resoluções nº 12/2008, 19/2009, 02/2011 of the Board of Research and Post-graduation (CONPEP) of UFU, by Portaria R134, by the Statute and General Regulation of UFU and by the Resolução 06 de 2017.